Soon it will be time again to gather round the crackling fire as the air crisps with Autumn, and tell ghosty-ghouly tales. We'll gather at Bran on October 21st for the 2nd Annual BOOfest. The sim is planning on holding BOOStock the day before on Saturday, October 20th, so it will be a big weekend.
BOOFest will be held in a single day this year, like last Spring's StoryFest. Submissions for story presentations will be accepted for 30 minute and 60 minute time slots and there will be a mid-day break. Tentatively, stories will begin at 10am SLT and conclude at 5pm SLT, but that may be subject to change. Story presentations must be live, not pre-recorded. Those interested in Presenting should contact Caledonia Skytower or Dubhna Rhiadra in world via notecard (PLEASE!).
Include the following information in your notecard:
- The size time slot you need (30 or 60 minutes)
- Your name. Whether you are performing solo or with others (please include their names),
- The piece you intend to present if you know it (not required till we actually get to October).
- Time of day preference or any time constraints we need to consider when scheduling you.
As with StoryFest, there will be no stream available, and limited rezzing. Just your voice in the dark . . . Mwwwwahahahahahahahaah!
Submissions to present will be accepted through the end of the Virtual Day on September 30th.
Tips from BOOFest will benefit War Child North America, and Branwen Arts.
BOOFest 2012 is excited to already include these storytellers:
- Singh Albatros
- Corwyn Allen
- Dubhna Rhiadra
- Monday Jinx
- Lycanthia Wolfhunter
- Queen Bluestar
- BigRedCoyote
- Caledonia Skytower
- Kayden oConnell
- Hakeber Haber
MORE applications coming in every day ... we are in for some GREAT stories this year! Final list to be published aftert the DEADLINE OF SEPTEMBER 30TH